Creating joyful relationships by using a modern framework that combines guidance on communication, safe relating practices, and intention-based interactions.

Have you ever had a challenging relationship?
Are you having one right now? Or more likely, several? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt unclear about your “relationship status”? Do you sometimes wish that you could be more open and clear with people about how you’d like to relate with them, but not sure how to have the conversation? Have you ever had a pattern of finding yourself in relationships that don’t seem to be serving you or meeting your needs, but don’t know how to break the cycle? Are there people in your life that you love and want to share more love with, but feel afraid to talk about your true feelings and intentions?
If you answered yes,
IAR is for you.
If you answered yes to any (or maybe all!) of these questions, IAR is for you. I created IAR for everyone, and no matter what type of relationship you’re seeking, or seeking to improve, whether it be romance, friendship, business, or family, IAR can help make it better, easier, and more fun.

What is the purpsose of IAR?
To short-circuit old patterns and set a new standard for joyful relationships.
The purpose of IAR is to end the useless cycles of drama that plague most human relationships. IAR seeks to provide an entirely new Operating System for all types of human relationships – romantic bonds, friendships, business relationships, partnerships, family ties, companionships – a new system which inherently “short circuits” the old programs and patterns that ultimately set us up for disappointment and pain. One purpose of IAR is to show that relationships don’t have to be hard, messy, and complicated. There is a better way.
IAR is meant to open up a whole new world of possibilities for the kinds of relationships we can have and is meant to set a new standard for how happy, fulfilled, satisfied, and safe we can feel in our relationships. It switches us from thinking about relationships like a game with winners and losers (“deprivation-obligation” mindset) and into a new frame of a new game called “joyful-celebration” where everybody’s a winner because we all get more of what we want, and nobody has to sacrifice themselves in the process.

Words from the Founder
"It seems to be common wisdom or a fact of life that relationships are inherently hard. I certainly have had the experience of challenging relationships in all areas of my life, from romance to friendship, business, and family. The great news is that relationships don’t actually have to be hard. That’s not to say that they won’t take effort, but there is a different way to approach relating and it happens to be pretty easy to learn and understand."
Vision Battlesword
IAR Founder and Workshop Host
Workshop Calendar
Learn about the New Paradigm of relationships, what tools are available to help build a foundation of healthy relating, and the basic form of Intentional Autonomous Relating by joining us in person at our next workshop.